EMV chip technology
What do you gain with an EMV chip? Increased security and becoming less vulnerable to fraud.
The EMV chip card. What the world has come to when it comes to enhancing your security.
We live in an age where protecting personal information is vitally important. All Visa® cards issued by ALEC are now equipped with the EMV chip that incorporates highly advanced technology designed to thwart fraudulent credit card use.
Why is an EMV chip card better?
Located on the front of each card, an EMV chip adds another layer of security and reduces the risk of fraud. This computer microchip stores card data and creates a unique cryptogram that acts as a one-time code that’s used to approve each transaction. Using the card with a chip-enabled merchant terminal or ATM makes it extremely difficult for criminals to steal or copy credit card information and create a counterfeit card.
Universally acclaimed. Internationally accepted.
Over 130 countries have enabled EMV chip transactions — with approximately 2.4 million EMV chip cards in circulation already and nearly 37 million chip terminals in active use globally. And before long, EMV chip technology will become the adopted standard in the U.S. as well. Which means you can travel conveniently, more confidently, and with greater security than ever before.
Paying at a chip-enabled terminal. No worries, no sweat.
Conducting transactions with an EMV chip card is extremely easy.
- Insert the chip end of your card, with chip facing up, into the chip-enabled terminal.
- Keep the card in the terminal throughout the transaction and follow the prompts on the screen. (If your card is removed prematurely, your purchase will be canceled.)
- Sign the receipt or enter a PIN to complete the transaction.
- Remove your card when prompted and take your receipt.
At merchants or ATMs not yet equipped with EMV chip technology, an ALEC Visa or Debit Visa card also features a magnetic stripe that can be used to process your transaction with a traditional terminal. With the EMV chip, credit card technology has charged into the future. And you can feel very secure knowing your ALEC Visa or Debit Visa card is working to keep your data safe.